Appium with Java and Sauce Labs
Mobile app testing is one of the most crucial phases of an app’s development process. It helps detect a software program’s bugs, failure, and performance issues before the final release. In this new tutorial, we will discuss how you can use Appium with Java and Sauce Labs to significantly reduce the complexity of your mobile app tests while increasing their effectiveness by running them in an automated environment where they can be executed in parallel on iOS or Android mobile devices.
Appium with Java and Sauce Labs tutorial will help you learn how to use Appium with Java and Sauce Labs to test Android or iOS apps on real devices or emulators at any time and on demand. To test applications, it is important to ensure that different user journeys are covered comprehensively and test them across multiple app environments (e.g., home screen, Settings menu etc.).
Moreover, as mobile apps continue to grow in complexity and adoption of smart devices continues to rise globally, it is also essential to automate these testing activities as much as possible.
This new tutorial will cover all these essentials in detail so continue absorb information!
You will learn to:
- Create an automated iOS or Android test
- Run test in Sauce Labs
- Set test name
- Report results to Sauce Labs
- Upload an app to Sauce Storage
- Run tests in parallel
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Gitpod Setup
- Run test in Sauce Labs
- Upload an app to Sauce Storage
- iOS Test Exercise
- iOS Test Solution
- Set Test Name
- Report Results to Sauce Labs
- Create an automated iOS test
- Appium Inspector and Setup with
- Appium Options on Sauce Labs
- Test Exercise with Appium
- Test Solution with Appium
- Run tests in parallel
- Closing Remarks
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